The Guam Daily Post. (2021, September 20). Palau researchers use eDNA to monitor fish diversity [Press release].

Island Times Palau. (2021, September 15). PICRC uses eDNA to gauge life in PNMS [Press release].

Island Times Palau. (2021, August 10). Bureau of Maritime Security and Fish and Wildlife Protection and PICRC conduct joint enforcement surveillance and eDNA Research in the PNMS [Press release].


NOAA Fisheries. (2019, December 19). eDNA expands species surveys to capture a more complete picture [Press release].

Pérez Ortega, R. (2019, August 22). A world in a bottle of water: Revolutionary techniques using traces of environmental DNA are analyzing entire ecosystems from “microbes to whales” [Press release].

Harvell, D. (2019, April 1). Tide bites: Ocean outbreaks: From seagrass to seastars [Press release].


Marine Biological Observation Network. (2017, March 22). MBON eDNA discussed on BBC World Service [Press release].

Reynolds, C. (2017, June 6). Stanford COS video highlights eDNA researchers [Press release].

O’Brien, C. (2017, February 24). Testing the water: Identifying marine organisms through eDNA [Press release].

Burge, C. (2017, September 10). A deadly herpes virus is threatening oysters around the world [Press release].


University of Texas, Arlington. (2015, August 3). Study yields clues about West Coast seas stars’ immunity [Press release].

BioQuick News. (2015, October 8). Students generate useful Information on immune system & nervous system responses of sea star to devastating wasting disease caused by densovirus; analyze expression of 30,000 genes in sick and healthy sea stars [Press release].

Ma, M. (2015, October 7). Student collaboration leads to first results describing sick sea star immune response [Press release].

2014 & prior

Paoli, J. (2014, January 26). White plague is the new black plague [Press release].

Castro, J. (2013, October 15). Coral ‘white plague’ epidemic could be caused by virus [Press release].